
by 東急株式会社



Check out Tokyu-lines train status information

Tokyu Line official information app!All infomation is here such as train location information, operation information, station map information, delay certificate, station congestion status, In case of service interruption, you can search for a detour route that includes other companies routes.In addition, we deliver event information along Tokyu Line and Deals coupons, ""Good Choice Coupons"" by off-peak commuting.■ Operation informationWe deliver operation information of each Tokyu line (Toyoko Line, Meguro Line, Denentoshi Line, Oimachi Line, Ikegami Line, Tokyu Tamagawa Line, Kodomonokuni Line, Setagaya Line).* If the train is delayed for more than 15 minutes or driving suspension is occurred and expected, it will be notified.* You can also receive push notifications.■ TimetableYou can search the timetable of each Tokyu line and each station from the route list or around the current location.You can display it on the home screen by registering your route from ""Settings"" and the home screen.Bug fixed.